
The CDPQ is a government agency responsible for managing the collective savings of Quebecers. It is unacceptable that the Caisse should deviate from this mission by investing in companies complicit in Israeli war crimes and genocide, and that it should continue to claim, under the current horrific circumstances, that it...


On November 6, 2023, Cinéma du Parc censored a film about Palestine, after receiving complaints from customers about the title of the program ‘’From the River to the Sea’’. The […]

On Friday, July 14 2023 PAJU organized a vigil in support of political prisoner Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, unjustly imprisoned in France for more than three decades. To shouts of ‘ Vive la France Carcérale’ and ‘Free Georges Abdallah, the Arab Nelson Mandela ’, PAJU distributed more than 400 leaflets detailing the unjust incarceration...

The recently released Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) December 31, 2022, year-end report shows that the Quebec public pension has at least $14B of contributors and pensioners […]