
Canada has been operating as an apologist state for « Israel », entertaining Zionist demands to overlook glaring war crimes and reinforce a brutal, illegal and unequivocally unjust pro-occupation status-quo.

According to amendments submitted to Egyptian and Qatari mediators earlier this week, Hamas demanded an end to the debilitating 17-year-long siege on Gaza which would allow the free movement of people and goods into the territory. According to other amendments, Hamas demanded that Israeli forces fully withdraw from the entire Gaza Strip in the first...
 Les camps étudiants contre la guerre génocidaire du gouvernement sioniste, qui ont fini par poindre au Québec, sont la conscience humaniste d’un monde capitaliste sans rémission gagné jusqu’à son tréfonds par la course au profit et le culte de l’argent, corrompu jusqu’à la moelle par l’idéologie néolibérale du chacun pour...
Feiglin writes that the Israeli army must “designate certain open areas on the Sinai border, adjacent to the sea, in which the civilian population will be concentrated, far from the built-up areas that are used for launches and tunneling. In these areas, tent encampments will be established, until relevant emigration...
Le 13 décembre 2000, le chef du Parti libéral, Jean Charest, présentait à l’Assemblée nationale du Québec une motion condamnant les références à « un vote ethnique contre la souveraineté du peuple du Québec » et parlant du B’nai Brith (lui-même accusé de propos discriminatoires) comme « un groupe extrémiste...
The reference to the censure of Yves Michaud, the use of antisemitism as a weapon, the refusal of François Legault to excuse the defamatory nature of the charges made against Yves Michaud in the National Assembly bring us to the continued use of antisemitism as a weapon and the continued...
But the most important lesson from the vampire cartoon affair is that self-described leftist MPs who echoed the Israel lobby’s condemnations of a cartoon also have failed to attend protests against Canada’s contribution to an incredible injustice in Palestine. That is not simply a coincidence. It reflects a fundamental concession...
L’expert Khreisat souligne que malgré « l’aspect humanitaire » de ce qu’a annoncé Biden et l’acheminement de l’aide humanitaire à la bande de Gaza et la création d’hôpitaux flottants pour soigner les blessés de guerre, il y a un autre aspect du port flottant lié à encourager la migration volontaire...

Bulletin: 1203

Conscience precluding participation in the same kind of violence that had been inflicted on him. Rezeq Faraj was personally committed to pacifism as a matter of principle. Nevertheless, while condemning acts of violence directed against civilians, he viewed acts of armed resistance against an occupying military power as legitimate.

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