IJV and PAJU caution Quebec educators and parents not to use “Unlearn It” for antisemitism training

Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) and Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU) are horrified by the Quebec government’s and local media’s uncritical reception of CIJA’s “Unlearn it” curriculum, which includes harmful pro-Israel propaganda and is not a useful resource for learning about and addressing antisemitism.

Israeli settlers leaving sees 150% increase since October 7 amid fears

Since the start of the Israeli aggression against Gaza following October 7, there have been more than 100, 000 instances of the term “relocating” being used to discuss migrating from Israel across various platforms. Israeli media notes three peak periods in migration discussions, the first shortly after October 7, with a 70% increase in usage, a second peak in March 2024, and a current third peak underway.

Justin Trudeau’s Appointment of Anthony Housefather as Special Advisor

Anthony Housefather endorses Zionist Israel’s racist ideology that relegates an inferior status to Christians and Muslims and which attempts to erase Palestine, Palestinian history and culture by promoting anti-Palestinian racism.

Canada: an apologist state for the Israeli occupation

Canada has been operating as an apologist state for “Israel”, entertaining Zionist demands to overlook glaring war crimes and reinforce a brutal, illegal and unequivocally unjust pro-occupation status-quo.


The CDPQ December 31, 2022, year-end report is out and shows $2.4+B investments in a dozen companies (up from 10 from last year) that are listed on the UN Data base as complicit with war crimes. These combine with $10 B in other companies complicit with Israeli war crimes, including $3.5B in WSP, the Montreal headquartered company that is under investigation to be added to the UN data base. CDPQ also has majority ownership in Allied Universal (which purchased G4S) of at least $1.5 B (but more likely much more, perhaps around $7B).

Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec invests in Israeli war crimes

Fragments historiques pour rêver la coalition 2005 à 2021

Download the pdf to learn more about the history of the BDS movement in Québec. The document is in French.

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