2 Sep, 2024


Zionist collaboration with the Third Reich: The Haavara Agreement


The following paragraphs comprise a note which I published at the end of an article published on the PAJU website entitled ‘Far-right parties in Europe have become Zionism’s greatest backers’ (Far-Right Parties in Europe Have Become Zionism’s Greatest Backers – PAJU). There is an anti-Semitism conference to be held in Ottawa on October 16 -17 where elements of the pro-Israel lobby will attempt to coerce politicians into equating anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism. Consequently, it is incumbent on PAJU to inform the public that the organized Zionist leadership in the 1930s played a key role in defeating a nascent anti-Hitler boycott being organized by trade unions and Jewish War Veterans of the First World War. Please read and above all, please share!

Bruce Katz

October 9, 2023

The article above by Lena Obermaier makes reference to Naftali Bennett who is no longer Prime Minister of Israel. That is a moot point. The unholy alliance between Zionism and fascist movements in Europe goes back to at least the 1920s. Lenni  Brenner in his well-researched and well-documented book, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, points out that relations between elements of the Zionist leadership in Germany (and later in the Jewish part of Palestine) had close relations with the budding fascist movement in Germany as early as the Twenties. The two movements were ideologically linked: they were both predicated on the notion that the Jews comprised an alien race that did not belong on German Aryan soil and belonged elsewhere, preferably in Palestine.

The authors of the Jewish Holocaust are not only those so-called Western democracies that systematically barred desperate Jews fleeing Nazi persecution from entering their respective countries, but also a significant number of Zionist leaders in Germany, the Jewish part of Palestine and in the United States, Canada  and Great Britain. These Zionist leaders concluded a secret deal with the Third Reich which resulted in the failure of an anti-Hitler boycott which had been undertaken by trade unions and Jewish War Veterans ( First World War). Hitler and his Nazi colleagues feared that an international boycott would result in economic disaster for the fledgling Third Reich. Thousands of people turned out for the March 23rd, 1933 anti-Hitler parade organized by the Jewish War Veterans in New York City.

Later in 1933, Jewish organizations prepared for a massive anti-Third Reich demonstration on May 10th also to be held in New York. Although the American Jewish Committee and the American B’nai Brith opposed it, the demonstration took place anyway. Edwin Black in his book, The Transfer Agreement: The Untold Story of the Secret Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine writes the following in reference to the proposed march against the Third Reich:

The American Jewish Committee and the B’nai Brith* opposed every detail. However, this time their disapproval was not waged privately, but in the media in a desperate attempt to dissuade millions of Jews throughout the country who wanted to organize against Hitler. ( pages 114-115)

This secret agreement between the Third Reich and Zionist leaders is known as the Haavara Agreement. It should be noted that Hitler never agreed to send all of Germany’s Jews to Palestine. The idea was to transfer the goods of emigrating German Jews to Palestine to first appease critics of his structural anti-Semitism and relieve the pressure of anti-German boycotts that unnerved the Third Reich. A New York Times article of August 29, 1933 notes a barter agreement between Germany and (Jewish) Palestine in reference to Jaffa oranges going to Germany in exchange for German goods. It is a fact that German agricultural machinery was sent to Jewish Palestine as part of a barter agreement between the Third Reich and the Zionist leadership. In this way the anti-Hitler boycott was defeated.

Let it be known, therefore, that the Zionist leadership played a significant role in causing the defeat of the anti-Hitler boycott. To that extent, they sold out their fellow Jews at a point in time when a successful boycott might have forced the Third Reich to backtrack on its structural anti-Semitism and persecution of the Jews. A successful boycott might even have resulted in the downturn of the German economy and the weakening of the Third Reich. We can only conjecture. It is significant and ironic that the Zionist leadership today works as vociferously against the boycott of Israeli apartheid as it did against the boycott of the Third Reich. At any rate, Zionist leaders should button their lips when it comes to talk of the Holocaust; they helped provide the parameters!

Ben Hecht, who was an American screenwriter, director, producer, and playwright put it this way: “Everyone, Great Britain, the United States, and the leaders of world Jewry—traitors all!

*The B’nai Brith in the United States goes by the name of the Anti-Defamation League today

A short bibliographical list to consult:

Black, Edwin. The Transfer Agreement: The Untold Story of the Secret Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine

Brenner, Lenni. Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.

Lenni Brenner, editor. 51 Documents of Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis. (Actual documents referencing Zionist collaboration). While it is true that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was received by Hitler on November 28, 1941 in relation to Hitler’s proposed Final Solution, it is generally left unsaid and unpublished, however, that Yitzhak Shamir who would later become Prime Minster of Israel had been part of a proposal made on the part of the Stern Gang in 1941 to ally themselves with Nazi Germany as a means of driving the British out of Palestine (See 51 Documents, pages 314-315).

Greenstein, Tony. Zionism During the Holocaust: The weaponisation of memory in the service of state and nation.

Hecht, Ben. Perfidy. (The betrayal of Hungarian Jews by Ben-Gurion’s Mapai Party)

Other related books:

Abella, Irving and Harold Troper. None Is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933–1948

Diggins, John P. Mussolini and Fascism: The View From America

Fleming. Gerald. Hitler and the Final Solution.

Gilbert, Martin. Auschwitz and the Allies: A Devastating Account of How the Allies Responded to the News of Hitler’s Mass Murder.

Gordon, Sarah. Hitler, Germans, and the “Jewish Question.”

Poliakov, Leon. The Aryan Myth: A History of Racist and Nationalistic Ideas in Europe.

Turner, Henry Ashby, Jr. German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler.

Wasserstein, Bernard. Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945.

Wyman, David S. The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, 1941-1945.

Barring Jews from entry but accomodating Nazis:

Nazi scientists were brought to work for the U.S. through Operation Paperclip



Canada was ashamed to have saluted a Ukrainian who fought for Hitler. But that salute didn’t come from nowhere:


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