8 Nov, 2019

PAJU Annual General Assembly November 10th, 2019


PAJU Annual General Assembly

November 10th, 2019

Association Des Travailleurs Grecs De Montreal

5359  avenue du Parc

On November 10th, 2019, Palestinian and Jewish Unity will hold its annual General Assembly in the hall of the Montreal Greek Workers’ Association, located at 5359 Park Avenue (between St-Viateur and Fairmount). PAJU was established in November 2000, so we mark 19 years of existence and 19 years of solidarity with the Palestinian people!

PAJU invites you to share a meal and ideas with us. We also invite you to become a member of PAJU ($ 10 for the year) if you are not already. Together we will continue our work of solidarity and our mission to educate the Quebec public on the realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the daily realities of the Palestinians, under occupation since 1948.

The GA will start with a complimentary gourmet brunch from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM prepared by our CM(Culinary Master) and Board Member, Bill Sloan (also known as Captain Boycott).

Around 12:30 PM we will proceed to the election of PAJU’s Conseil d’Administration for the year 2019-2020. This will be followed by a round table of those present to develop plans for the coming year. Note that PAJU has been holding a weekly vigil since February 2001 by distributing flyers to passers-by, so it has been 18 years that PAJU has been working to inform the public about the situation in occupied Palestine. From May 2017 to the present, we have distributed more than 85,000 flyers to the Quebec public, targeting mainly festivals and sidewalk sales in the summer!

Join us on November 10th! If you have friends who would be interested in knowing more about PAJU, then bring them to the General Assembly.

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