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La mobilisation contre l’Autorité Palestinienne continue après l’assassinat d’un opposant L’assassinat de Nazir Banat par l’Autorité Palestinienne a déclenché des mobilisations massives pour demander la démission de Mahmoud Abbas. Quelques […]

Victoire de la campagne Boycott, Désinvestissement et Sanctions (BDS) à la City University of New York (CUNY) Le syndicat des personnels enseignants, administratifs et techniciens de la CUNY, vient d’adopter […]

Bulletin: 1063

Palestine : une pétition pour demander la démission de Mahmoud Abbas par Hala Kodmani le 3 juin 2021 à 18h33 Des personnalités politiques, culturelles et académiques de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur des […]

 Message of support from the World March of Women, North Africa and Middle East regions, to the Palestinian People  In Jerusalem, Lod and Gaza, the fascist zionist state is today […]

Israeli Human Rights NGOs Demand Prosecution of IDF Colonel and Physician for Raping Palestinian Woman Richard Silverstein April 25, 2021 My last post identified the senior IDF officer responsible for the rape […]

Israel is committing ‘crime of apartheid,’ Human Rights Watch says Arno Rosenfeld April 27, 2021 Human Rights Watch, the widely respected research and advocacy group that won the Nobel Peace […]

Dozens Wounded in Far-right, anti-Arab Jerusalem Protest 105 Palestinians reported wounded ■ At least 50 arrested, police use stun grenades in demonstration that drew hundreds of far-right protesters■ « We’re burning […]

175 000 Holocaust Survivors Live in Israel. Most Live on $101 a Month in Government Stipends While some Holocaust survivors in Israel are entitled to 10,000 shekels a month, the […]

23 Reasons I’m Ashamed of Israel By Yehuda Atlas I’m ashamed to live in a country in which the prime minister is facing a hearing, and a possible trial, over so […]

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