Cheikh Sayakh ira en  prison, honte à ses juges Amos Gvirtz Cheikh Sayakh est sur le point d’être emprisonné pour dix mois, après avoir été condamné pour entrée sur un domaine public en violation de la loi sur les terres de l’État. Et ici, ce criminel...

End of Occupation No 933

SHEIKH SAYAKH WILL GO TO PRISON, THE DISGRACE TO HIS JUDGES Amos Gvirtz Sheikh Sayakh is about to be imprisoned for ten months, having been sentenced for trespassing and entering public property in violation of the law on state lands. And here, this criminal wins the...


Libérez Georges Ibrahim Abdallah! Georges Ibrahim Abdallah est un « révolutionnaire libanais », emprisonné depuis 34 ans en France. Il est aujourd’hui incarcéré dans la prison de Lannemezan. Sa peine de sûreté s’est achevée en 1999. Ce libanais, issu d’une famille...

End of Occupation No 932

FREE GEORGES IBRAHIM ABDALLAH! Georges Ibrahim Abdallah  is a Lebanese revolutionary who has been imprisoned for 34 years in France. He is now incarcerated in Lannemezan prison. His security sentence was completed in 1999. This Lebanese national, from a Christian...

End of Occupation No 931

Knesset approves 200 communities where Arabs are banned 200 communities for Jews only from which Arabs are banned!  But we must not call it « APARTHEID »!  We do not want to shock those delicate sensibilities that insist that « Israel is the only democracy in the...