11 Oct, 2019

« End of Occupation » No 974


Let’s protest at The Hague so that Israel’s crimes can finally be judged by the ICC!

The Attorney General of the ICC (International Criminal Court based at The Hague), Fatou Bensouda, refuses to handle the complaints filed against Israeli crimes, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Recently, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) was forced to order her to reconsider her refusal to continue the investigation into the bloody assault and act of piracy by the Israeli navy against the Mavi Marmara, a humanitarian flotilla sailing to Gaza. She has until December 2 to review her dossier, but she is the only one who has the power to decide. (In 2013, the state of Comoros, the country under which the Mavi Marmara was registered, filed a war crimes complaint with the ICC, but Ms. Bensouda decided that she would not prosecute Israel because the crime was « not massive enough »!)

However, even when the crimes of the apartheid regime are obviously massive, as is the case with the Gaza massacres of summer 2014 (more than 2,400 Palestinians killed, including 600 children), Ms. Bensouda is not in a hurry: she has not yet submitted her findings on this case, still « under study » for over 4 years now.

The NGO’s Al-Haq and Al Mezan, and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights have collected countless evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel (persecution, apartheid, theft, destruction and looting of Palestinian property, and hundreds of killings in the West Bank and East Jerusalem since 2014), and have lodged these complaints with the ICC Prosecutor General, despite Israel’s proven death threats against them.

Similarly, 650 well-documented complaint files concerning the killings and serious injuries of protesters during the March of Return in Gaza have been duly filed with the ICC.

Will they also be thrown into a drawer and forgotten by Ms. BENSOUDA?

We, men and women of conscience, call for a rally at the ICC in The Hague on Friday 29 November 2019, which is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Please join us !


For the first time, a major European unitary action will take place on November 29 at The Hague to ask that the Attorney General of the International Criminal Court (ICC) finally does her job and deals with the many complaints that have been duly documented and filed with her, concerning war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel. It is important. We ask you to book this day to come with us, and to convince a maximum number of people to join this action. Buses will be chartered from several major cities (along with organized carpools) to make a one day round-trip to demonstrate before the ICC on Friday, November 29 which will be the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Adapted from: http://kzg.mj.am/nl2/kzg/mumgq.html?m=AMcAAAQaEUAAAciXQ34AAAgCTzQAAAxszbsAAHzQAABPDQBdmyh89Ve_ET-VRFy41m7pUuZcZAAAVGE&b=6cea42ed&e=f7fdbe26&x=3wD0cb5FHdVX57bdYnX9YSJsqvYB4T6CgiDkXEiM0gs

Distributed by PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity)


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