7 Juin, 2019

« « End of Occupation » No 956


Reporters Without Borders accepts prize awarded by the killers of  journalists

RWB, the NGO that claims to represent the freedom of journalists in the world, makes one want to throw up. Its director, Christophe Deloire, has just gone to Tel Aviv to receive a prize rewarding « democracy », from people who are “knowledgeable”in the field, and who have specialized in the killing of journalists.

One has to have fallen so very low to compromise to such a degree!

The French ambassador to Tel Aviv, Hélène Le Gal, greatly appreciated the Dan David Award ceremony, in the presence of Israeli President Reuvlin, calling it a « lovely evening » on twitter.

She probably also found « charming », just like RWB, the assassinations of Yaser Murtaja and Ahmed Abu Hussein, Palestinian journalists covering the protests in Gaza in recent months.

It should be remembered that last February, an independent commission of inquiry of the UN concluded that the murders of these journalists were intentional.

Not to mention those who were injured, while they were all wearing the word « PRESS » on their vests.

The Gaza-based Al Mezan Human Rights Association has documented 230 attacks on journalists during the Marches of Return, including about 100 shot dead.

To the degree that many Palestinian journalists and photographers now prefer not to wear any sign of their profession when they work, knowing that Israel specifically targets journalists.

Even in the West Bank, journalists are victims of numerous arrests, followed by interrogations and « administrative » detention (without charges or trial), and the army keeps closing press localities.

« Reporters Without Borders »:  Israel-style! Yuck!!!

Source : Electronic Intifada


Adapted from : http://www.europalestine.com/spip.php?article260

Distributed by PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity)



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