2 Avr, 2021

End of Occupation » No 1051


Biden’s Spokesperson at the service of the Israeli Espionage

US President Joe Biden’s spokeswoman Jen Psaki collaborated with an Israeli company spying on Palestinians in the occupied territories, the Electronic Intifada (EI) website reveals.

EI has had access to the Declaration of Interests that senior White House officials are required to complete.

It shows that Ms. Psaki was paid at least $ 5,000 as a “crisis communications” consultant, by the Israeli company AnyVision.

The date of these fees is not indicated in the document obtained by the Electronic Intifada, but it appears that they occurred between January 2017, when Jen Psaki left the White House at the same time as her former boss Barack Obama, and at the end of 2020, when she returned there as spokesperson for the new president, Joe Biden.

As soon as she returned to the private sector in early 2017, Jen Psaki created her own communication « box », called Evergreen Consulting Service. It was in that capacity that she worked for AnyVision, a company that uses facial recognition techniques to spy on Palestinians, whether at checkpoints or with hidden cameras throughout the occupied West Bank.  Like a series of other so-called « security » agencies, AnyVision is an extension of the Israeli state apparatus, whose president, Amir Kain, is the former number one of the security department at the Ministry of Defense, and one of whose senior advisers is none other than the former Mossad chief Tamir Pardo. In short, one of the many cogs of the apartheid regime.


This is why the BDS campaign launched the #DropAnyVision slogan which has continued for several years now, with some success since Microsoft, which had made a $ 74 million investment in it, has ended its participation.

« A minority stake in the capital of companies selling so-called sensitive technologies, such as facial recognition, would not allow Microsoft to be able to control their uses with the same level of requirement as that which it applies to its own technologies », the computer giant said.


Adapted from: https://europalestine.com/2021/03/26/la-porte-parole-de-biden-au-service-de-lespionnage-israelien/



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