« End of Occupation » No 949

Avr 19, 2019 | Notre bulletin, Non classifié(e)

Que cesse l’occupation:
Faire de la place pour critiquer les progrès

Faire de la place pour critiquer les progrès

Le sommet annuel sur le progrès de l'Institut Broadbent a évité la critique du génocide en cours en Palestine en faveur de platitudes sur la paix, la bonne gouvernance et l'innocence des colons Par Shama Rangwala Traduit de l'anglais par PAJU. * Phrases mises en gras...

L’histoire retiendra qu’Israël a commis un holocaust

L’histoire retiendra qu’Israël a commis un holocaust

SUSAN ABULHAWA traduit de l'anglais par PAJU IL EST 20H00 à Gaza, en Palestine en ce moment, la fin de mon quatrième jour à Rafah et le premier moment où j'ai dû m'asseoir dans un endroit calme pour réfléchir. J'ai essayé de prendre des notes, des photos, des images...

Trump Replaces God in Grateful Republican Jews’ Passover Song ‘Dayenu’

During the Republican Jewish Coalition, an American lobbying group that met in Las Vegas over the weekend, President Trump was the center of praise — and a new version of the Passover song “Dayenu.”

RJC chairman Norm Coleman introduced Trump: “There were some doubters in this room, and I was foolishly among them.” He then led the crowd in a Trump-style rendition of Dayenu, which means “It would have been enough for us,” JTA reported. He listed what he said were the president’s accomplishments, including his tax cuts, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing Israel’s right to the Golan Heights and pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal.

In Coleman’s version, Trump replaces God, according to Daniel Dale, Washington correspondent for the Toronto Star. “Had President Trump ONLY passed the largest tax cut in history: say it with me. DAYENU.”

“Had President Trump only put two conservative Supreme Court judges…Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, we would say: DAYENU. Had President Trump only appointed Nikki Haley ambassador to the UN, sending a powerful message that we will not tolerate the UN’s anti-Israel bias: DAYENU.”

Adapted from: https://forward.com/fast-forward/422201/republican-jewish-coalition-donald-trump-dayenu/

Distributed by PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity)


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